Join The Valorous TV Community

The Valorous TV community are part of a vital community united together with a positive message of selfless sacrifice and appreciation for all who have dedicated their lives to make ours better. We join together to celebrate the bold and brave who make us proud to be among a free nation that so many have fought and died for. Our brave Veterans, police and firemen, and countless other lifesavers whose acts of valor protect our families from evil every day are true heroes. Our heroes further inspire others to engage in community service and to rise to the occasion when called upon to put their own lives in peril to help or rescue others. It has been said that “Those who Cannot Remember the Past are Condemned to Repeat It.” We must never forget the dedication and sacrifice of these brave men and women, and always let their bright light guide us through darkness and times of turmoil.
Valorous TV is not only entertainment, Valorous TV is “Television with a purpose.” We give you great programs that will thrill and inspire you, inform you and you may even laugh or be brought to tears. You will learn and see things you never knew. Want to be a Marine, we have programs on becoming a Marine. Want to fly an F-16 jet? We will show you what it takes. Civil War buff? Got you covered. Want to keep up with what’s going on in the military on a daily basis? We have daily military news from all the major Dept. of Defense news feeds. No more searching through the tangled internet and wading through advertisements. We have it all here in one place, easy, clear and concise.
Valorous TV is not political and takes no position on any election or political party. Heroes come in all shapes and sizes, race, color, and gender. We respect and honor every one of them and strive to tell each of their stories. From time to time, Valorous TV will announce activities that may be of interest to subscribers, and post relevant information on the Valorous TV Facebook page. We always invite feedback from subscribers and encourage subscribers to use the Valorous TV Facebook page as a resource to further engage with friends and subscribers in the Community.
Join Valorous TV on Social Media
We want to hear from you, and invite you to join the Valorous TV Community on the VTV Facebook page. Tell us what you like or don’t like. We love to hear your thoughts about our programs. Were you inspired to take some positive action in your life as a result of something you watched? What would you like to see more of?
Stay connected to the Community by engaging in discussion with other Valorous TV subscribers. Share stories, post pictures and make new friends. Perhaps you or one of your relatives served during a battle or event depicted on Valorous TV. Tell us about it and post a picture. While we cannot always agree with one another, and it would be pretty boring if we did, we encourage thoughtful debate and dialogue about programs and events relating to programs. We only ask subscribers be respectful of each other and follow the golden rule to “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”