Edward Feuerherd was an award-winning writer, producer and director for over thirty years. He was the founder and principle of Creation Films Documentaries and AutoPen Media, which are some of America’s most prolific producers of historical documentaries, military programs and battle reenactments featuring living historians for worldwide broadcast and home entertainment. These productions have been featured on numerous national television networks, including Discovery Channel, The History Channel, Hallmark Television, Turner Broadcast and Newsmax Television, among others. Many of these programs are now featured exclusively on Valorous TV.
Feuerherd’s undergraduate studies were in European History and Military Science. His graduate studies at John Hopkins University were in the area of Global Security Studies and International Policies. After military service, Edward held a number of federal government analyst positions. He is a past President of Phi Alpha Theta, the International History Honor Society and contributor to The Historian, a distinguished quarterly journal highly regarded in the academic community. In 1976 he was appointed by President Ford to the Federal Bi-Centennial Commission. He is one of the founding contributors to Valorous TV. Sadly, Edward Feuerherd passed away in April, 2018. He will be sorely missed. Godspeed, Edward.